
I would first off like to thank Ms. Owens for letting me know about the Covid-19 grant that helps families in need. Due to this pandemic right now, I have been laid off of work. So being able to maintain all of my bills and raise a child has become incredibly challenging. But thanks to the grant that was approved, this was able to help me tremendously in more ways than one. I'm able to get some bills paid, groceries bought, and household items as well! I am truly thankful and forever grateful to have been able to receive this funding! I thank you so much for all that has been done for me and my family.
Tyrone (Parent)

The mentor program first and foremost has been an awesome opportunity for my daughter. I love that my ideas and opinions are valued when it comes to the things that my child needs from Guiding Light. I love the positivity and the energy that not only the mentors have but the mentees as well as other staff that are part of Guiding Light, especially Latisha Owens!
(Program Participant's Parent)

Getting to know William has been a very good experience for me. I was surprised how many things I learned by meeting up with William over the past year. I have learned how to become a better listener and how to help someone else open up to you. I feel that my friendship with William truly benefits both of us in the sense that focusing on William also causes me to make sure I'm handling everything in my personal life correctly. I want to make sure that I am setting the best possible example for William. I believe that William has been able to open up more since we have started meeting once a week. He also has improved his relationships with teachers and his grades.
Alex (Mentor)

Having a mentor has benefited me in a great way. My mentor Alex has taught and helped me with a lot of things. We hang out a lot, and he helps me with my schoolwork. Alex is the best mentor ever! He is very caring. Alex helped me become a better role model and young man.
William (Mentee)

As a mentor, my experience has been a phenomenal one. I experience firsthand the professionalism of Ms. Owens, but more importantly, the strong impact the mentoring program has on my direct mentee, as well as others. The bond established between mentor and mentee, as well as other family members, is one of support, guidance, structure, and fun. The collaboration between Guiding Light, the parents, the mentee, and the mentor establishes objectives for the mentee as well as developing a proven process to achieve these goals. Working towards these goals together ensures that the best and most effective plan is designed and implemented for the mentee's sustainable progress.
Shelly (Mentor)

I'm so happy you're here. I have the best feeling that my life is changing for the better.
Jeffrey (Mentee)

They have helped me when I'm struggling with school.
Derrick (Mentee)

I like that I can do anything I want; Go to movies.
Kaleb J. (Mentee)

I enjoy that I have someone that has a lot of experience in life and is helping me guide myself in the right direction in life.
Kaleb A. (Program Participant)

I have had a lot of mentors, but I think my mentor right now which is Sarah, is very fun to be with, very supporting, adventurous, and flexible. I really love spending time with her. Every week I ask my grandma about 10 times when is the next time, I’m seeing my mentor. She is a person I look up to and can trust. I feel like she's one of my sisters. I love her personality and how she's always respectful and supportive.
Additionally, Ms. Tish always has fun activities (I Am Me Conference, fitness group, etc.) for us to participate in.
Lexie (Mentee)

I learned how powerful a mentor can be when I found one during a difficult time in my life. As simple as it sounds, having someone who gave me advice, who held me accountable to myself, and who was always there to help without judging me was life changing. To this day, I still credit her for much of the success I found in life and she continues to be a person I can reach out to when I need some help.
Working with Jeffrey as a mentor has been great. We clicked right away and split our time between helping him with what he needs help with, and going out to make the most of life. As a mentor, it has been so rewarding to see a young adult really start to reach for their full potential. Being a part of a mentorship program is something everyone should experience from both ends – we all need help sometimes, and when the time is right to give back, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your mentee’s life start to change for the better.
Dustin (Mentor)

Mr. Dustin has been a great help in my life. He has motivated me to do work, workout and he's also motivated me to finish school. He has been helping me with my school along with social problems. He's done talked me through things I couldn't get through on my own. At the end off the day, Mr. Dustin is a very good mentor and thanks for giving me one.
Jeffrey (Mentee)